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LOUDER THAN WORDS is a cross-cultural, intergenerational art collective that targets sexual assault, domestic violence, LGBTQ equality, animal liberation, and mass incarceration. We recruit art in the service of public address and social action while examining the ways misogyny and capitalism endanger women and the disenfranchised. Our projects engage multiple aesthetic strategies including outdoor projection, mobile billboards, round-table workshops, offset printing, video, and photography to address the insidiousness of sexism, discrimination, inequality and white privilege. We strive to ignite civic dialogue, unravel obstacles, reorder entrenched cultural gridlock, and "generate languages of critique and possibility."



To view LOUDER THAN WORDS website please click on the logo.


LOUDER THAN WORDS was founded by S.A. Bachman + Neda Moridpour in 2013.
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